
$10 Business Directory Listing- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Limited Time Offer-- Ends 2/14/16

February 4, 2016


For a limited time enjoy a 12 month listing in our business directory for only $10.  It's our way of saying, BE OUR VALENTINE!  We're also filling them up for 2016.  We promote our business directories each week on FB and want YOU to join us!

What do our directories look like?

Please view our current directories by clicking any of these links:

West Pittsburgh ( choose any business to browse)

South Hills

Pittsburgh North

City of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh East
(We just relaunched this publication with new ownership and we're building it up!)

More than one business style/ representative may be represented at one time. It's up to you to make yourself stand out.

All information is subject to approval by this publication and will be edited if need be to meet family guidelines and/or character count requirements per cell.

Payment must be remitted within 24 hours.

Offer ends 2/14/16
Join the guide by clicking here.

Thank you!

*this offer is not valid with summer camp guide listings