

The Living Well Plan- It's FREE!

By Rawkul May 1, 2012
If you are concerned about getting enough calcium, do be more concerned with how much calcium you are actually absorbing. 
Foods you may be eating could be depleting your bones right now. I know you hear it from me over and over again, but the junk and phony foods will only cause problems for you.
Remember, live off an instant diet and you are assured a quicker death or a life full of symptoms.
Here is a list of foods that increase calcium DEPLETION:
SUGAR–it affects your bones among other things!
SODAS–they have a high phosphorus content that depletes calcium
COFFEE–it affects PH balance. 
Dr. Corsello explains,
"A good natural defense against osteoporosis is to keep the acidity of your blood in proper balance.  If you don't, your body will, by removing calcium from your bones to defend the PH balance of your blood". 
Betty Kamen, Ph.D. states, "My personal conclusion is that coffee and soft drinks contribute to more osteoporosis than current thinking acknowledges. I'm not waiting for more research.  These drinks [sodas and coffee] are out of my diet permanently."
CHLORINATED WATER–especially if consumed with a high fat diet reduces calcium absorption.
OXALIC ACID FOODS–decrease calcium absorption.  Beet greens, chard, spinach, rhubarb are OA foods (eat them with some real butter to help with absorption).
FOODS HIGH IN PHOSPHORUS–all junk foods, processed meats and cheeses, baked foods, breads, cereals, phosphate food additives.
What does help with calcium absorption? 
Eating fatty fish, eggs, butter and liver make calcium absorption more efficient. Eggs are a good source of vitamin D, the main regulator of calcium. 
Speaking of vitamin D, you need to be getting some sun everyday on your skin–no sunscreen!  One 30 minute sunbath provides 300-350 units of vitamin D.
Two large dried figs contain 80mgs of calcium, one raw portion of greens contains 250mgs of calcium and 4 oz of salmon contains 291 mgs. 
Summer vegetables have more calcium than winter vegetables. 
In the frequently asked questions section of the Living Well Plan, there is a list of foods high in calcium so do check that list if you are looking for sources.
Try this soup to help build bones and strong teeth:
3 quarts of water
1 package beef marrow bones (use grassfed beef bones if you can get them)
lots of green veggies of your choice
3-4 crushed garlic cloves
seasoning to taste
2 quartered onions–leave the tough outer skin on as it contains high amounts of quercetin which is good for the bones.
Note:  Male rats fed 1 gram of onion powder per day for a period of only four weeks increased the mineral content of their bones by over 17 percent, the thickness increased by over 13 percent and the mineral density increased by over 13 percent!
Bring the above ingredients to a boil and simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
Remove the tough onion skins before serving. 
You can throw in more veggies if you like. and you can use this broth in any of the Living Well recipes.
Stay strong in your bones!
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