
A Well Blended Family

Hints For The Holidays!

December 1, 2010
Blended families may need a bit more attention during the holiday season.  Whether is be Hanukkah, Christmas or The New Year, we offer you a few great tips to assist you and your new additions! example.


Schedule, Schedule, Schedule


Make sure you speak with your ex regarding a schedule that runs through the holiday season.  You should agree that it is set in stone and respected by both of you.  This is also a good time to discuss future holidays
as well.


Talk To Your Kids

Remind them on how lucky they are to have a mom, dad and stepparents who love them!  Discuss the upcoming schedule with them and any travel that will occur.


Set The Extended Family Straight

Remind everyone that you will have your blended family for the holidays and you would like everyone to be treated the same.  That may mean buying less expensive gifts for everyone ( but that's OK!  Let
them know that Step and Bio are the same in your family.  Sometimes this gets a
bit sticky, so if there is too much resistance and drama, you can either omit
gift exchanging or choose a Bio gift giving at another time.


Introductions In Advance

Meeting with the family and be both joyous and challenging.  Some parts of your family may not experience the same sense of familiarity towards relatives as others. Going through photo albums or watching family
footage with a bowl of popcorn can help your child get to know them before the
visit. This is particularly helpful with  toddlers and preschool-aged children.


Family Time

The holidays can be overwhelming for all of us.  Try not to over do it.  Make sure you and your spouse have time to connect, share stories and or concerns.  Also find time as a Blended Family to unwind and make memories!  A trip into the city, choosing/preparing a holiday meal together or
even decorating the house for the holidays are a few ways to spend time.  Don't forget the camera!


Remember your Better Half

Try not to make plans, change schedule and or visitations without consulting your spouse.  After all, you now have a Blended Family, and every ones schedules, plans and feelings need to be taken into


Wishing you a very happy holiday season!  




