
Big Game Day Head Band Game- D.I. Y

February 4, 2016
There are so many versions of this game out there but the one we love is the HOME MADE ONE!  

You can create this one of several ways.  The easiest and cheapest?  Use elastic headbands that you already have.  Print out images on paper of "game day" graphics, people, places or words you would recognize. 

You can play the game one of a few ways. No matter the game you choose-- the object is to figure out what image is on your card without looking at it!


You can play "charades style."
The player with the headband on grabs an image (without looking at it) and sticks it under their headband on their forehead.  Their partner must then 'act out' the image on the graphic print out and get their partner to GUESS IT. 

You can play "What Am I Style."
Everyone has a headband on.  Everyone puts a graphic on their headband without knowing what it is. (Don't peek!)  Everyone takes turn asking 1 yes or no questions to figure out the image on their head. 

Be the first player to guess what you are and win!  
You can add a timer in to make it more challenging. 

You can play "password style."

Remember that TV game that's still on actually.  The one that Neil Patrick Harris ROCKS AT?  No? ...
Your partner must say one word clues to help guide you to guessing what's on your card.  Use a timer to 
limit the amount of time available guessing!  

How to make it. 

I found spa masks at the dollar store.  

They were terry cloth style so I knew they would stick perfectly to the hard part of the velcro.  

I printed out some Big Game Day images. 

Here's my file to save you some time!   You might want to add some more! 

I taped them to cardstock and then put sticky velcro on the back.  

You can adjust the game to use any graphics you'd like! 

Then we got busy playing the game!  Here's a shot of Emma with a few stuck to her head 
for posterity!