
Valentine's Day Marshmallows

By Jody Lynn Chin and Christine LaGrosse January 24, 2012

I saw this awesome craft in another Macaroni Kid newsletter and decided to try it out and put my own spin on it!  Thanks Jody Lynn Chin for the inspiration!  I’ve listed her directions below and then my take on this craft. Both are sure to delight your kids and you end up with a really tasty and beautiful project at the end. 

Valentines Day Marshmallows:

This is a pretty easy little idea to do for Valentines or any day that matter.

What you need:

§  Marshmallows ( the big ones )

§  Karo - you can get this at the grocery store in the cake mix section

§  A small brush of some sort ( I used a candy brush that I had )

§  Sprinkles for Valentines

You just set out the marshmallows. Put a small amount of the Karo on the brush and just put whatever you want on the marshmallow and then shake some sprinkles on top of the Karo and cover it. Shake the excess off and then I just used my finger to remove some of the sprinkles to make it look more what I wanted it to look like and that is it. To make the marshmallows sit the way I wanted them to on the plate I just tore a small piece off the back so it would not roll back and forth. You really could use this for any day using different color sprinkles or using the gel small tubing frosting you can get at the grocery store.



My kids are a little bit young to write letters on marshmallows so I found these fabulous heart shaped marshmallows and simply had them paint the entire top with Karo syrup and then dip it in sprinkles!!  Julia loved it!  It wasn’t long before she was asking for different colors and was getting creative!  She wanted a way to keep them together so she could make a pattern and the only thing I had was toothpicks.  It worked out great!  However, I think I might get long wooden kabob sticks and string on several hearts and give them as gifts for Valentine’s Day.  I know they make specialty marshmallows for just about every occasion so this can work for any holiday. 

                                             Julia STARTED using her paint brush!

And she she liked the dunking method.