Mended Little Hearts, a support program for parents of children with heart defects and heart disease, is dedicated to inspiring hope in those who care for the littlest heart patients of all. Mended Little Hearts offers resources and a caring support network as families find answers and move forward to find healing and hope.
Partnering with hospitals to provide several programs, Mended Little Hearts connects families in crisis with other parents who have survived the shock of learning a child has a heart problem, navigated the maze of medical decisions and procedures, and mapped out a plan for the future.
Here, in Southwestern, PA., our local Mended Little Hearts works hard to bring hope, help, and healing for our local families. We are comprised of over 100 CHD families. We run a Care Bag program, in which, families in the CICU at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh receive a bag of over 30 essential items for their hospital stay. The Care Bags also have a homemade blanket for the heart child. Community support is vital for this program. All our care Bags are packed with donated items. To date we have delivered 1000 Care Bags in 2 ½ years. We also have monthly support meetings, awareness events, advocacy programs, and family fun events! If you would like more information on joining our organization or making a donation you can visit us at www.swpa.mendedlittlehearts.netor email Andrea at
Andrea Baer
Local Coordinator
Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern, Pa
youngwoodpa@mended little
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