This week we got to chat via email with local Mom, Andrea Baer. This Jeannette PA,Mom of 4 is on a mission to spread the word as a Local Coordinator and advocate for Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern, PA. As if having four children isn't enough to be recognized, we felt her dedication to Mended Little Hearts further propelled her into the "I'M AN AWESOME MOM STRATOSPHERE!" For these reasons we felt she deserved to be featured as a local 'Burgh Mom- making things happen!
We asked Andrea a few questions and she shared her answers below! We dare you to read them and try NOT to be inspired!
Tell us about yourself Andrea! Let's ask the basic question that I already know the answer for! "WHAT DO YOU DO Andrea?"
Tell us about yourself Andrea! Let's ask the basic question that I already know the answer for! "WHAT DO YOU DO Andrea?"
I am a stay at home mom of 4!
I am a mom of 4 awesome children. I have a daughter, Leslie who is 21. William is 7 and is on the Autism Spectrum. Trenton is 3 and has Down syndrome as well as a congenital heart defect. Trenton had open heart surgery to repair his heart at 3 months and will be facing another open heart surgery in the next few years. My baby girl is Sophia and she is 16 months. My husbands name is Brett.

Andrea Baer with Trenton and William.

Leslie, William, Trenton, Sophia & Caitlyn.
Staying at home though, doesn't describe my job. We are always on the go between elementary school, preschool, 7 therapies a week, and doctor appointments. I am the local group coordinator for Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern, Pa and I serve on the National Board of Committees for Mended Little Hearts. I am the National Growth and Development Coordinator.
Andrea Baer with Trenton and William.
Leslie, William, Trenton, Sophia & Caitlyn.
Staying at home though, doesn't describe my job. We are always on the go between elementary school, preschool, 7 therapies a week, and doctor appointments. I am the local group coordinator for Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern, Pa and I serve on the National Board of Committees for Mended Little Hearts. I am the National Growth and Development Coordinator.
What a calendar you must have Andrea! I bet you're always on the go! On top of that-- to advocate for other little ones!? Amazing! Tell us more about Mended Little Hearts!
Congenital Heart defects are the #1 birth defect and affect over 40,000 babies each year! I have dedicated my life to making a difference for the families affected by this.
I am active in all aspects of the CHD world, including Advocating on a local and national level, raising awareness, providing support to families, and educating families and the public.
Our local chapter of Mended Little Hearts delivers care Bags to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (Just delivered our 1000th Bag!) and we are currently walking in the congenital heart walk to raise vital funds for research. Our team has 102 walkers!
I am very active with Mended Little Hearts and my local group My local group has over 120 families in our membership.
I am active in all aspects of the CHD world, including Advocating on a local and national level, raising awareness, providing support to families, and educating families and the public.
Our local chapter of Mended Little Hearts delivers care Bags to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (Just delivered our 1000th Bag!) and we are currently walking in the congenital heart walk to raise vital funds for research. Our team has 102 walkers!
I am very active with Mended Little Hearts and my local group My local group has over 120 families in our membership.
That's fantastic! I see you have a 21 year old as the eldest of 4 kiddos! Wow! So you're not a new Mom on the block! I know we are all constantly learning as moms but I bet you have some advice for new moms or moms to be? What would you tell a new mom who asked your advice as a wise mother of 4!?
When you think that you can't do anymore.....You find the strength and you do! So don't stress about not being able to accomplish the big picture. Take baby steps in the right direction and you will get there!
I love that advice! I need to heed it myself as a Mom of 3! My advice is always to take time to develop yourself. Don't forget about the person in the mirror! Tell me what you do for "Andrea!?"
I am currently attending Walden University to obtain my bachelors in Child Development. I plan to then obtain my Masters in Education with a concentration in Special needs.
Well there you go! That's definetely a plan and I bet you'll be amazing in the field! Tell me something you're proud of. Your proudest moment perhaps!?
Aside from the births of my children (Because of course those are the proudest days of my life) the proudest moment for me was to be honored with the Award of Excellence in 2011 for Mended Little Hearts. Our group, Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern, PA received this outstanding award for our all around excellence in programming and service to the community.
The more you share, the more incredible you are! What an inspirational 'Burgh Mom you really are! Apeaking of our great city tell me what you love about the 'Burgh!
The more you share, the more incredible you are! What an inspirational 'Burgh Mom you really are! Apeaking of our great city tell me what you love about the 'Burgh!
I love Pittsburgh because the community support is so amazing! People are always willing to lend a hand to make a difference. We have the best Children's hospital here too and I am thankful everyday for them. The heart center at Children's is second to none and we are blessed to have them in our backyard.
Children's is an incredible resource we are truly blessed to have! I agree! Let's find out a little bit more about you. Do you have an books you're currently reading? I love to peek at what friends are reading, especially inspiring friends like you!
The Soul Keepers, 7 People every Christian Should Know About, and Hippie Girl are the 3 top books on my kindle today!
Hippie Girl!? I must check that out! Let's see, how about your bucket list. The proverbial bucket list! We at Mac Kid prefer to look at our bucket lists as FILL UPS and not so much what to do before we depart. What do you want to do in the future that will fill this world up some more!?
I want to adopt a child with Down syndrome from Russia!
I am in awe! What an interesting person you are Andrea! Such heart! We can't wait to hear when this happens! What a true FILL ER UP that will be!
Let's finish up with some super quick Get To Know Andrea questions.
Something we don't know about you...
Let's finish up with some super quick Get To Know Andrea questions.
Something we don't know about you...
I grow my own garden and can fresh every summer.
Your Momma Super Power...
I think being a mom IS a super power!
Every mom needs....
A babysitter! So that you can go out and enjoy an adult evening with your husband every now and then. Or, do something just for yourself. It's important to keep your own identity and take care of yourself! And a sense of humor helps a lot too!
Thank you so much Andrea for allowing us to get to know you better. You truly are an inspiration to the Burgh! - The Mac Kid Team
For more information on Mended Little Hearts of Southwestern PA please go to
To support Andrea's walk team :
Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh strives to create a culture of conversation,content and interaction with our readers who are mostly, moms like US! Our newest feature, "Momversations" introduces you to a local Burgh Mom who inspired us! We're looking for Moms in the community who are inherently inspiring! Whether it's the cause they're promoting, the tireless efforts as a parent, their connection to the community. There are many definitions of inspiring. If you'd like to be considered for a feature article or would like to nominate someone for this recognition please submit your inquiry to All submissions are subject to editorial approval.
To support Andrea's walk team :
Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh strives to create a culture of conversation,content and interaction with our readers who are mostly, moms like US! Our newest feature, "Momversations" introduces you to a local Burgh Mom who inspired us! We're looking for Moms in the community who are inherently inspiring! Whether it's the cause they're promoting, the tireless efforts as a parent, their connection to the community. There are many definitions of inspiring. If you'd like to be considered for a feature article or would like to nominate someone for this recognition please submit your inquiry to All submissions are subject to editorial approval.