
Father's Day Ice Box Cake!

Go Unique!

By Roseann Sicola - Warren, NJ June 13, 2011

Ice Box Cake

A Delicious and Easy Treat!


Growing up, anyone with a summer birthday in my family always got Ice Box Cake as their birthday cake.  Two of my three boys have June birthdays, so I'm carrying on the tradition.  It is an easy and refreshing treat in the summer that's also great anytime of year!


Graham crackers

4 packages cook & serve pudding - 2 chocolate and 2 vanilla  (You can also use 4 packages of the same flavor if you prefer)  You will need 4 cups of milk to make the pudding.

1 cup heavy cream

1/2  - 1 teaspoon confectioner's sugar


Layer the bottom of an 8x8 or 9x11 pan with graham crackers, one next to the other, until it is covered.

Cook both packages of the first pudding flavor together, according to the directions on the box, then pour over the graham crackers while it's hot. 

Immediately put another layer of graham crackers on top of the warm pudding. 

Cook the next flavor of pudding, then pour over the graham crackers and again top with another graham cracker layer. 

Chill, then top with cream - you can use Cool Whip, but I find that homemade whipped cream is better because it is not as sweet and provides a good contrast to the sweet pudding.

To make the cream - Pour the heavy cream in a cold bowl (metal or glass in the freezer for about 5 minutes beforehand will do the trick) and add about 1/2 teaspoon of confectioner's sugar (to taste).  Whip until fluffy.   Spread on the chilled cake. 

You can also add a layer of bananas on the bottom, and garnish with strawberries or blueberries on top.

Serve cold and enjoy!




