
Play it Forward Pittsburgh Toy Drive

The answer to your clutter problem and teach those kiddos about giving in the process!

November 29, 2011

This is your chance to get some room before the holidays come around and teach those kiddos an important lesson about giving at the same time! Play it Forward Pittsburgh is collecting gently used toys for children ages 0 to teens at several drop off sites around Pittsburgh. You can also donate wrapping paper, batteries and the most precious gift of all...YOUR TIME!

The idea is so beautifully simple...if you have extra give them, if you need some take some! SO CLEVER!

Donate toys up until December 15 at a local drop off site. Then if you need toys show up at Freedom Fellowship Church of Pittsburgh at 140 E. Main St., Carnegie, PA 15106 OR the Propel Braddock Hills High School cafeteria on December 17 from 9-3 and pick out 5 toys per child. No reservations, no requirements. SIMPLE!!!!!