
Indoor Snowman

Cute Classroom Gift or Craft or Just For Fun!

By Christine LaGrosse of Macaroni Kid Pittsburgh LLC December 18, 2013
Every year, my daughter and I look and look for a fun gift to make for her classmates.  I was so excited to run across the idea of making an indoor snowman out of homemade play-doh! 

There are tons of recipes on-line on how to make the dough but I like the one that uses cream of tarter.  You can find the recipe and great tutorial with pictures by clicking here.  My only tip was that I wanted to make sure the snow was WHITE and so I found white food coloring at a craft store. I wasn’t even sure they made it but they do!!  I also added glitter to the snow so it would “glisten” and my daughter loved this part.  You can also add spearmint to make it smell yummy but my daughter doesn’t like the smell of mint so I left his part out. 

Homemade play-doh
Googley eyes (The picture shows gems because I haven’t bought the googley eyes yet but either would be cute.)
Small cupcake holders for the hat
Felt for the scarf
Pipe cleaners- any color for the arms and orange for the nose

Step 1:  Roll out each of the snowballs making sure the smallest goes on top. 
Step 2:  The scarf goes on next.  To make the scarf, I just cut a long piece of felt, cut a small slit in it to make it go together and cut fringes to make it look like a real scarf! 
Step 3:  Arms are made from pipe cleaners and just sized to fit depending upon the size snowman you make. 
Step 4:  I used an orange pipe cleaner for the nose and googley eyes or gems for the eyes.
Step 5:  Place in a clear plastic bag that is somewhat air tight so it doesn’t dry out. This is meant for the kids to play with once they get it home and so you want to make sure it stays pliable.  I just added a label saying what it was and who it was from! 
This is fast and easy and economical. 

****TIPS after making 42 of these!!!
1)  I used toothpicks to hold the 3 snowballs together because they had a hard time staying that way on their own.
2)  Start with the ball that will be the head of the snowman. Make sure it's large enough to accommodate the "hat" and not fall off.  Then, make the middle and bottom snowball slightly larger than the head. 
3)  Make sure the play-doh is cooled before putting it in the bag or it will "sweat" and make the dough wet.