
Stuffed Animal Zoo- As Seen On KDKA

Clever and affordable ways to organize toys!

By Debby Perry Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC April 11, 2017
This month's Pinterest Challenge was TOY ORGANIZATION! We tried a bunch of challenges and we've rated them below! 

The holidays have come and gone but left in their path 7 million toys for you to grapple with each day. Macaroni Kid of Pittsburgh LLC scoured the net for some clever and affordable ways to earn your "organization badge!"  We moms will do anything for some recognition!  Macaroni Kid has a super duper special TOY ORGANIZATION BADGE for you and you alone!  

Each of these ideas can be stretched to accomodate a myriad of toys.  It's  trial and error and you are welcome to test them out for yourselves.  We showed off the items we felt best fit the toy need in OUR homes.  Your home might be different!  Let us know below if you tried anything or if you have some clever and affordable TOY organizational tips yourself!

Stuffed Animal Zoo Slash Jail

We've seen so many "solutions" for stuffed animals.  The only thing we can think of to help quell the growth of the pile, is to institute the one in, one out ruled.  A new stuffy comes in then the rules goes out to a "farm" to run and frolic til the end of his or her days.

We loved this clever solution though using PVC pipes and or wood. There are so many versions our heads were spinning.

Here are some we looked at:

Wooden Stuffed Animal Zoo
Stuffed Animal Cage $40

Those seemed like some "skill" of which I had none.  So I kept looking. 

Here are a few OTHER options I found that were more my speed.   

Dowel Rod Book Shelf 
Elastic Shelf 

I went with the elastic shelf except I used a nails to hold the elastic & small decorative animals on. 
The kids call it JAIL but I call it-- CLEAN.

  Cheap & easy.  
It worked like a charm!

Stuffed Animals 

A place to shove them where they wouldn't fall out.  The. End. 

* a leftover shelf
* elastic or cording
*  staple gun or nails
* decorative letters or wooden animals if you'd like



























It's not only cute, it's totally purposeful.