Let’s face it; most of us are a little bit upset that the Steelers aren’t in the Super Bowl this year. Most of us will still watch the game as a family or with friends, so why not spice it up a bit! No one wants to go out and buy a jersey or shirt just for one day, so we’ve come up with 5 clever ways to show off who you’re rooting for in the big game without spending too much dough!
This article originally appeared in Macaroni KID by Chris LaGrosse in November 2016
We are a house divided right now. My son (5) has decided he wants the Seahawks to win because his favorite color is green, and they have green on their uniforms. My daughter (7) has decided the Broncos are her team because she loves horses!! Perfectly logical… right??!! They each had so much fun making these 5 crafts to use and/or wear for the Big Game!
Rainbow Loom Bracelets
Rainbow looms are still a staple in our house and both of my kids love them! I found the perfect colors for each team in separate packages on sale and the kids loved making team bracelets. If you have a multi-pack, you can probably filter through and find enough to make a couple of bracelets but since these were already nicely organized and cheap, I made it easy on myself! I’m actually taking these to make with my Sunday school class too!
Beaded Bracelets
Beaded Bracelets are a craft that almost any group (3 and up) would enjoy! I have a big pile of beads from craft projects gone bad. All I did was scoop these up and give them pipe cleaners and they filtered through all of the beads to find their team colors. This allowed me a good 15 minutes of quiet! Tip Alert! If you’ve never used pipe cleaners, they are wonderful!! The beads don’t fall off and stay put exactly where the child places them. Of course you can use yarn or even the string they sell to make these but I just used what I had on hand and they loved them.
Everybody needs a "Big Game" right?? These are almost as big but so much more stylish!! LOL! All you need is some pipe cleaners in your favorite team colors and follow the tutorial by clicking here, and you've got yourself some fabulous bling!
So it’s probably no surprise that Macaroni is our FAVORITE! We thought it would be fun to use some of our favorite food/craft supply to show support for our favorite team. All you need is a little hand sanitizer (no, that’s not a typo) and food coloring and some string and you have yourself a stylin’ necklace that any sport fanatic would be happy to wear! Just put a few drops of hand sanitizer and squirt in some food coloring in a plastic bag, seal it up and mix it all around. Allow to dry on newspaper or paper towels. TIP ALERT: If you use hand sanitizer that has glitter, your necklace will also have glitter!! How fun!!
What is a football game without pom-poms?? This is a simple craft that will probably use what you have on hand! We just cut some streamers in our favorite team colors to about 12 inches long. We laid them out in a circle alternating between colors and clipped it in the middle with a clothes pin!!
If you don't have have streamers, you probably have trash bags! This pom-pom was made from nothing but duct tape and trash bags!! Click here for our inspiration!
Noise Makers
This is one that can be done with what you have on hand but if you have a little extra time, dying the rice with the team colors is AWESOME! For complete instructions, click here or to learn how to dye rice here. White rice works just as well or even some dried beans. You can always just have them decorate a label to go on the noisemaker with their favorite team color. Tip Alert: A funnel really helps most of the rice to make it in the container and if you have little ones that might be tempted to open the lid, make sure to tape the lid closed with some duct tape or clear packing tape. Also, if you're looking for the perfect Seattle Seahawks green color, look for neon green food coloring because it's the perfect shade!